Friday, October 31, 2014


Halloween has COME! I will dress up as a KITTY, and some costumes my friends are wearing include salt,pepper, a bunny, and Edith (from Despicable Me). Here are some Halloween pics:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Stuff

So since it's a teacher workday, I get to hang out all day and do fun and cool stuff like blogging!!!!!!!!
Anyhow, did you see my new view thingie? It is called Dymanic View. Anyhow, the two views I like  best are flipcard and sidebar. What is yours?



Sunday, October 26, 2014

I know, I know

I know in my last post I said that was all for today, well it's not! So I recently made a new blog called Check it out!

Animal Jam

If for some random reason, you don't know I play this game called Animal Jam, I do!
Animal Jam is a virtual online game where pretty much everything is fun, even if you don't have membership (which costs money). Here are some pictures of it.
Somebody's House
People Trading Items
                                                       That's all I have for today, bye!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mystery Person

Hello. This is a mystery person who is at Audrey's house. Do you know who I am? Yeah you don't. HAHAHAHAHA.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bread Ends

Look carefully at this picture. How many slices are there? Most of you would say 13.But the answer is actually 11. Why do you have do count the ends? Oh yeah, they're useless. Why are they there anyhow? Can the producers just put in a little extra work to just take them out?

Sincerely ,

My New Thinga-ma-jig

My new thinga-ma-jig is this cool banner:

( I made it big so you can see it better) I hope you like it!
