Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Hai! Happy Valentine's Day! Celebrating Valentine's Day, here is some cool stuff!

Soooo cool! Who knew they could get along so well? They should go on
a date!
Wait. If the hearts are running, are they haters or something?
Or did the cupid realize they weren't cupid arrows?

Is this a wedding ring? That would be cool. Whenever you read, it would remind
you of your husband and love of him.
I got something like this, except a monkey when I had the
Most "Valentine-y" Valentine Box in my class.
Snoopy ROCKS!!

Yum. Sweethearts.

Hope you like!

P.S. I got a new music player installed! plays music..... sorry it makes the blog lag a bit when loading.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Cat Strikey

Hello! It's been a while! I guess it always seems like that... Anyhoo, my kitty Strikey has gotten into my user name as "strikeycuteness". Here is  a picture of him compared to one on the Internet when I searched "Strikey the cat".
(Internet kitty)

compared to :

(Strikey kitty)

Interesting right? Strikey is currently putting his nose in my shirt to warm it up. I think if he knew this was about him he would lick me.
                                                  ( kitty ASCII art) 
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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ears pierced!

Whoever's out there, I just wanna say thank you for reading my blog it's just really cool to have your own blog!!!!!

Anyhoo,I am verry excited because I got my ears pierced!!!!  This is so exciting!!! I also got earrings from my sister.

My can of ear stuff too is ginormous!!!!!
I'll accidentally put 1/2 down the drain and we'll be fine...

ear pierced gal,


***Credit to my sister for taking that picture "Super Swag B)"